提取次数: |
货号: |
50 次-不带滤膜 |
14900-50-NF |
100 次-不带滤膜 |
14900-100-NF |
- 专利IRT技术,擅长处理挑战性的浑浊水样
- 改进的裂解和滤膜DNA吸附技术,大大增加低微生物丰度水样的DNA得率
- 创新研磨珠套管及击打方式适应五种不同类型常用商业化滤膜
- 快速简单的流水线式操作,轻松完成实验
PowerWater® DNA Isolation Kit是我们使用了IRT创新专利技术,适用于各种商业化滤膜的新一代水样基因组总DNA提取试剂盒。有了这项IRT技术,即使污染物再多的水样也能轻松提取得到高质量、可直接进行PCR实验的大量DNA。你可以使用其它厂家的滤膜,也可以用我们含0.45μm 或 0.22 μm 滤膜的一次性漏斗(单独有售)。此试剂盒使用了创新研磨珠套管及击打方式结合IRT技术,可以直接处理47mm滤膜。优化过的处理程序也使得最终DNA体积可以缩小到100μl。
方法 |
硅胶离心柱型 |
细胞破碎 |
研磨珠破碎 |
滤膜吸附能力 |
20μg 每孔 |
A260/280: 1.7-2.0
A260/230: >1.5 |
通量 |
1 - 4 个样 |
操作时间 |
20 分钟 |
仪器设备 |
涡旋混合仪及适配器 |
- Jon J. Amberg, Sunnie G. McCalla, Loren Miller, Peter Sorensen and Mark P. Gaikowski. Detection of Environmental DNA of Bigheaded Carps in Samples Collected from Selected Locations in the St. Croix River and in the Mississippi River.USGS Open-File Report: 2013-1080
- Morgan M. Steffen, Zhou Li, T Chad Effler, Loren J. Hauser, Gregory L. Boyer, Steven W. Wilhelm. Comparative Metagenomics of Toxic Freshwater Cyanobacteria Bloom Communities on Two Continents. PLoS ONE 7(8): e44002. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044002
- Christopher L. Jerde, Andrew R. Mahon, W. Lindsay Chadderton, David M. Lodge. "Sight-unseen" detection of rare aquatic species using environmental DNA. Conservation Letters. Volume 4, Issue 2, pages 150–157, April/May 2011
- Van De Werfhorst*, L.C., Sercu, B., and Holden, P.A. Comparison of the Host Specificities of Two Bacteroidales Quantitative PCR Assays Used for Tracking Human Fecal Contamination. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 77(17): 6258-6260 (2011).
- J. F. Meadow, A. E. Altrichter, S. W. Kembel, J. Kline, G. Mhuireach, M. Moriyama, D. Northcutt, T. K. O'Connor, A. M. Womack, G. Z. Brown, J. L . Green, B. J. M. Bohannan. Indoor airborne bacterial communities are influenced by ventilation, occupancy, and outdoor air source. Indoor Air. 24: 41–48 (2014)
- David J. Smith, Daniel A. Jaffe, Michele N. Birmele, DaleW. Griffin, Andrew C. Schuerger, Jonathan Hee, Michael S. Roberts. Free Tropospheric Transport of Microorganisms from Asia to North America. Microb Ecol. 64:973–985 (2012)
Solution PW1 |
55 ml |
Solution PW2 |
11 ml |
Solution PW3 |
2 x 18 ml |
Solution PW4 |
2 x 18 ml |
Solution PW5 |
2 x 18 ml |
Solution PW6 |
5.5 ml |
PowerWater® Bead Tubes |
50 |
Spin Filters |
50 |
2 ml Collection Tubes |
250 |